Première dame de Côte d’Ivoire


“The President strongly believes in the potential of women”


Approximately 4 million women and girls worldwide are sold for marriage, prostitution or slavery. This situation is even more worrying in countries in crisis or post-crisis such as Côte d'Ivoire. This revelation on the condition of women was made by the First Lady, Mrs. Dominique Ouattara, on Wednesday, February 20th, 2013 on the esplanade of the Palais de la Culture (The Palace of Culture), during the launching ceremony of the celebrations of the International Day of Women and the presentation of the official loincloth of this celebration. The theme for this day is: "Men and women, together for a new and reconciled Côte d’Ivoire." For this year, the festivities will take place in Touba in the Bafing region. For Mrs. Dominique Ouattara, patron of the ceremony, despite this deleterious table of the condition of women, there is still room for hope. So, she wished to share the President’s faith in women. "(…) As you know, the President firmly believes in the potential of women. Through his commitment to give more power and autonomy to women, he wants not only their rights, but also to pay tribute to the sacrifices they make every day, "she revealed. Seizing this opportunity, the First Lady decried violence against women. "(…) The ceremony of this day gives me the opportunity to talk about an issue that particularly concerns me, namely violence against our women and daughters. Whether in the community, within the couple, in the family or in schools, women undergo unjust and intolerable violence, whatever their age and social background.

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