Première dame de Côte d’Ivoire


Mrs. Akie Abe, First Lady of Japan, during the visit to Bingerville Orphanage:

Dominique Ouattara et Abe Akie ont témoigné leur amour aux pensionnaires de l'orphelinat de Bingerville et de Grand-Bassam
Mrs. Dominique Ouattara and Akie Abe visited, on Friday, January 10th, 2014 on the margins of the visit of the Prime Minister of Japan in Côte d'Ivoire, the boys’ orphanage of Bingerville. The two First Ladies wished on the occasion of this visit, to express their love. So it’s with the hands full of gifts they made ​​the trip to the orphanage in the former political capital of the country. To the orphans of Bingerville and Grand -Bassam, the First Ladies have offered one generator, 70 bags of rice, 30 cartons of oil, 50 pasta cartons, 35 cartons of tomato paste, 40 cartons of unsweetened milk; 40 cartons of milo boxes, 40 bags of sugar, 40 cartons of bleach, 40 boxes of soap powder, 40 cartons of liquid soap and 40 cartons of deodorant bottles, 40 cartons of soap and 80 bottles of fine hail to the two institutions, to the greatest joy of kids.
The wife of the Japanese Prime Minister, Mrs. Akie Abe took this opportunity to welcome the commitment of Mrs. Dominique Ouattara for social works. She thanked the wife of Ivorian Head of State for the many actions she carries out daily for the welfare of the disadvantaged populations. "Mrs. Dominique Ouattara works hard for the welfare and happiness of children in Côte d'Ivoire.This is a great lady. I will use this visit to be permeated his experience”, welcomed the wife of Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan.
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