Dominique Ouattra’s compassion to Model Awa Fadiga familly

La-Première Dame Dominique Ouattara a été representée par ses belles soeurs Rhokia Ouattara et Sita Keita et des membres de son cabinet

The authorities and populations get on their surge of love to model Awa Fadiga’s family, who died tragically last Tuesday, Mars 25 at the CHU of Cocody (University Health Center of Cocody).  

The First Lady Mrs. Dominique Ouattara sensitive to the tragedy suffered by the family of model Awa Fadiga, wished to show her compassion. Thus, Wednesday, April 2, 2014, on the occasion of the ceremony of the seventh day of the departed in Williamsville, she was ​​represented by her sisters in-law Rhokia Ouattara, Sita Kéita, Madame Sarah Sako Fadiga, Vice President of the National Assembly and members of her cabinet.
Mrs. Rhokia Ouattara expressed Mrs. Dominique Ouattara’s support to the members of the Fadiga family.

In return, Bambadjan Bamba Fadiga, spokesman for the family of the deceased thanked the First Lady and President Alassane Ouattara for their support. He also recalled the ancestral and family ties between both Ouattara and Fadiga families.

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