First Lady Dominique Ouattara chaired on Thursday, October 23rd, 2014 at her office in Cocody, an important meeting on trafficking in persons. The meeting was attended by Anne Desirée Ouloto, Minister of Solidarity, Family, Women and Children, also Vice-President of the Inter-ministerial Committee for the Fight Against Trafficking, Exploitation and Child Labor; including representatives of the Ministry of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; the Ministry of State, Ministry of Interior and Security; Ministry of African Integration and Ivorians Abroad; of the Ministry of Communication and the Head of Mission of the International Organization of Migration.
The delegation was led by Anne Desirée Ouloto, Minister of Solidarity, Family, Women and Children. During this meeting, the guests of Mrs. Dominique Ouattara expose to her not only the alarming situation of trafficking in persons, in particular that of Ivorian young girls, but also seek the assistance and leadership of the First Lady in the fight against this phenomenon. Anne Desirée Ouloto during her presentation revealed that trafficking is pratice for the most part on girls. Enticed by the prospect of a better future in the Maghrebian countries, these young girls are recruited in Abidjan. In the bottom line, these of young girls are victim of violence of any kind and specifically rapes. Ambassadors highlighting testimonies and of David Coomber, head of mission for the International Organization of Migration have left no one indifferent and especially the First Lady, Mrs. Dominique Ouattara.
After listening to these testimonies, First Lady Dominique Ouattara has declared she’s ready to lead the battle. Better. She decided through the Support Fund for Women of Côte d'Ivoire (FAFCI) to ensure the social rehabilitation of victims of the phenomenon.
Inspired by the recommendations on human trafficking by the State Department, Mrs. Dominique Ouattara made an exhortation for a fierce fight against trafficking in adults. The recommendations in favor of adopting legislation to criminalize all forms of trafficking and establish a formal victim referral mechanism and finalize the implementation of the national action plan.
Soon a law against the phenomenon