Première dame de Côte d’Ivoire


Region Nawa

Les populations de Meagui et Soubré ont reçu les dons de la Première Dame

The next visit of the head of state and his wife in the Nawa area is actively prepared. Indeed, it's on Thursday, February 6, 2015 the Presidential Couple will tread the soil of this cocoa producing region. The announcement of the arrival of President Alassane Ouattara and his wife, Mrs. Dominique Ouattara was made on Sunday, March 1st, 2015, during the ceremonies of donations provision of the First Lady to the populations of Meagui and Soubré. So, ahead of the visit of State in the District of Bas-Sassandra, the team of the office of the First Lady Mrs. Dominique Ouattara, led by Mrs. Yao led by Patricia Sylvie visited after Fresco and Sassandra, the towns of Tabou, Meagui and Soubré. During these two steps, she offered, on behalf of Mrs. Dominique Ouattara, significant in-kind donations worth 220 million CFA francs to the populations of the Nawa in general and to women in particular. Indeed, Mrs. Dominique Ouattara has offered donations worth 100 million CFA francs to the populations of Meagui. To the populations of Soubré, the kind-herated lady has offered CFA francs 120 million. A real breath of fresh air for the women of these communities plagued for years by economic difficulties. In details, Mrs. Dominique Ouattara has offered an ambulance to the General Hospital of the city; hospital beds; mattresses; delivery tables; refrigerators and other equipment that will allow people to receive quality care. To associations and women's groups, the First Lady has offered farm equipment. The restorers and hairdressers received equipment to develop their business. Schools, secondary schools, community centers, women's centers, school canteens and kindergartens in the locality have not been forgotten. Mrs. Dominique Ouattara has offered equipment of various kinds so that these structures can carry out their educational missions. Food was also provided to populatiosn. Disabled persons in both localities have also received manuals tricycles.

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