Première dame de Côte d’Ivoire


International Women’s Day in San Pedro

Des chèques du FAFCI d’une valeur de 125 millions F CFA remis à 100 femmes de San-Pedro
This year's International Women's Day was celebrated in San Pedro. The celebration coincided with the end of the state visit undertaken by the Head of State, President Alassane Ouattara in the Bas-Sassandra. This is the Auguste Dénise Satdium that hosted the celebration of this day, Sunday, March 8, 2015 in San Pedro. And as in previous years, this day dedicated to women whose theme is: "Beijing + 20: Performance, Challenges and Outlook for an emerging Côte d'Ivoire ", was under the patronage of the First Lady Dominique Ouattara and enhanced by the presence of President Alassane Ouattara.
 Taking this opportunity, the First Lady Dominique Ouattara, an activist for the empowerment of women offered donations in cash and kind worth CFA 190,500,000 to the women of San Pedro and other parts of Bas-Sassandra. Indeed, the "vagabond of charity" offered in-kind donations for agriculture, food, trade, hairdressing, sewing, especially at social level to IFEF (Female Home of San Pedro), the social centers, in the field of education including primary and secondary schools, for the cleaning of schoolyards, for dining including food, cutlery for early childhood care centers including outdoor play , equipment of classrooms, equipment for health centers including an ambulance for the town of Doba and tricycles for disabled people. These in-kind donations were offered to women of San Pedro. Their value is estimated at CFA francs 175 million. In addition, Mrs. Dominique Ouattara offered a cash donation of 15,500,000 CFA to the women of the region of the Nawa; Taboo; Gboklê and to the populations of San Pedro. In addition, the First Lady took advantage of this ceremony to hand out checks of the Support Fund for Côte d'Ivoire Women (FAFCI) worth CFA francs 125 million to one hundred (100) women of San-Pedro city. This additional funding to support these women in their empowerment efforts, increased the FAFCI first round of funding for the Bas-Sassandra which was at CFA francs 135 million. Thus it’s a total amount of CFA francs 260 million, that are available to women in the region, to improve their living conditions. More than 50,000 women have benefited from the FAFCI throughout the country


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