In preparation for the state visit to the “Grands Ponts” (Large Bridge) Area

La Première Dame, Dominique Ouattara comble les femmes de Grand-Lahou de nombreux cadeaux

The First Lady Dominique Ouattara has offered gifts worth more than CFA francs 100 million, on Saturday August 1st, 2015 to the population of Grand-Lahou. Thus, thanks to the state visit of President Alassane Ouattara in the area of ​​large bridges, Mrs. Dominique Ouattara has decided to support and express solidarity with the population in general and women in particular. The delivery ceremony of these gifts took place within the town hall of the locality in the presence of the administrative authorities and populations who turned out in large numbers.

These gifts as diverse as numerous, include all social and professional groups of the locality. Women farmers, the hairdressers till the traders, seamstresses, nursery schools, high schools and secondary school, community centers, health centers, in short, all social walks of Grand Lahou have been taken into account by the wife of the head of state. Thus, the wife of the Head of State has offered facilities to cooperatives and groups of women, restaurants’ managers, traders, hairdressers and seamstresses. Mrs. Dominique Ouattara, also offered donations to the community center, high schools, secondary schools and kindergartens in Grand Lahou department. School canteens of the department also received equipment. The wife of the head of state has strengthened the technical platform of the health centers of the department by providing an ambulance and biomedical equipment.

Disabled people also received manuals tricycles and crutches. In addition to these gifts worth more than CFA francs 100 million, Mrs. Dominique Ouattara has offered the sum of CFA francs one million to the people. And as if those were not enough, Mrs. Yao Patricia Sylvie, a representative of the First Lady revealed that the appropriation allocated to the women of this village in the Fund of Support to Women of Côte d'Ivoire (FAFCI) has received an extension 100 million CFA francs. Thus, it is 130 million CFA that will enable women of Grand Lahou to undertake income generating activities.

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