Gender and development

Dominique Ouattara received in audience ECOWAS Female Parliamentarians Association. The meeting took place on Wednesday, September 19, 2018, at the office of the First Lady located in Cocody. Twenty-five of these parliamentarians from the 15 countries of the sub-region were accompanied by the Honorable Aïssata Daffé, MP in Guinea-Conakry and ECOFEPA Vice-President.
In Abidjan to attend a seminar and an extraordinary session of the ECOWAS Parliament, the members of the ECOWAS Female Parliamentarians Association (ECOFEPA) had a meeting with the wife of the Ivorian Head of State.
They took this opportunity to present their organization, their actions and their expectations to Mrs. Dominique Ouattara. In addition, the Female parliamentarians requested the commitment of the wife of the Head of state to be their voice before the other First Ladies of the sub-region, and her support in the implementation of their action plan.
For over an hour, the First Lady Dominique Ouattara shared her experience and her vision on adressing poverty issue among women. She also explained the various actions she carries out through her Foundation and as First Lady for the well-being of her fellow citizens. She then presented to her hosts the Women’s Support Fund (FAFCI), which saved 150,000 women from poverty ; her commitment to child labour and pediatric AIDS, leading to her appointment as UNAIDS Special Ambassador ; her commitment to the Children of Africa Foundation and her various actions in the health, education and social fields. She concluded by saying that in addition to Côte d’Ivoire, the Children of Africa Foundation is active in 10 African countries through its subsidized centers.