2013 Ramadan
First Lady Dominique Ouattara offered on Saturday, July 20th, 2013 at her office in Cocody, foodstuffs and non-food items, to the Muslims of Côte d'Ivoire. Like previous years, the First Lady wanted to show solidarity with members of the religious community that has just started, a few days ago, the holy month of fasting. Thus, 50 Muslim associations, 10 mosques and 120 religious leaders have benefited from the generosity of the First Lady. These Islamic institutions received 835 bags of rice, 1,000 sugar bags, 1,000 pasta boxes, 200 cartons of unsweetened condensed milk and 1,000 prayer mats.
Nadine Sangaré, Mrs. Dominique Ouattara’s representative, also Director of humanitarian actions, gave the reasons underlying the solidarity of the First Lady. "(…) Our meeting today was inspired by your sister, our sister, First Lady Mrs. Dominique Ouattara. How could she spend a month of solidarity as strong as that of Ramadan without letting her big heart talk, this at open and generous heart? With humility, she supports your efforts in the constancy and faith to properly complete the Ramadan ", Nadine Sangaré told the Muslims.
Imam Adama Koné, Cheick Boikari Fofana’s representative thanked Mrs. Dominique Ouattara her upsurge of solidarity towards the Muslim community. "I want to thank the First Lady for all she does for the Muslim community. And may God let her live as long as possible among us, "he prayed.
We can mention among others beneficiaries of donations associations, the Organization of Islamic Teachings Schools (OEECI), the COSIM (Imams’ High Council), the League of Islamic preachers, the AEEMCI, the Association of Young Muslims in Côte d'Ivoire (AJMCI), the Muslim Women's Associations and Organizations Union (UMAFOCI) and the Association of Muslim Women of Côte d'Ivoire.