Fight against Typhoid Fever in the District of Abidjan

Mrs. Dominique Ouattara, President of Children of Africa Foundation launched a vaccination campaign against typhoid fever and a  deworming campaign for children from 3 to 15 years, Friday, November 23, 2018 in Attécoubé.

Organized by Children of Africa Foundation in collaboration with Mota Engil Foundation, this vaccination campaign will take place in five (5) communes of the Abidjan District namely Yopougon, Attécoubé, Abobo, Cocody and Bingerville. Thus, from Friday, November 23 to Wednesday, December 05, 2018, the medical teams of Children Of Africa will browse the neighborhoods of these communities that may have been exposed to this disease.

These are Attécoubé, Mossikro, Djibi, Abobo Baoulé, Biabou 1 and Biabou 2, Gesco, Kossihouan, Abatta and M’Badon. The team of Children Of Africa will have the mission during this campaign to immunize a total of 10,000 children against this disease. It is therefore an important prevention campaign when we know that these neighborhoods were particularly affected by the torrential rains that hit the District of Abidjan this year.

The launch ceremony witnessed the presence of Mr. Eugène Aka Aouélé, Minister of Health and Public Hygiene, Mrs. Anne Désirée Ouloto, Minister of Sanitation, Mr. Danho Claude Paulin, Minister of Sports and Leisure and Mayor of Attécoubé and many other officials.

Mrs. Dominique Ouattara, President of Children Of Africa noted during her speech, the importance of this humanitarian project to her Foundation. “(…) This year, the issue related to this health action is considerable, since we remember damages caused by the torrential rains of recent months, particularly in the District of Abidjan. Unfortunately, the bad weather had a great impact on the health of our people, especially children, and exposed them to risk of infections such as typhoid fever, “she explained. For Dominique Ouattara, this campaign will prevent the disease and protect the most vulnerable communities. That’s why she wanted to acknowledge the presence of parents alongside their children. “(…) I want to thank each of you for responding to our call. The health of our children is a priority for all of us. Your massive presence reflects your clear desire to give your children the best possible future, “said the President of Children of Africa.

Mr. Eugène Aka Aouélé, Minister of Health and Public Hygiene welcomed the commitment of Mrs. Dominique Ouattara for the health and well-being of toddlers. He mentioned the importance of preventing the disease. According to him, there are nearly 5.16 million people die worldwide due to diseases such as typhoid fever. He also revealed that 2/3 of the death could be prevented. Also, according to the Minister of Health, from 1990 to 2013, vaccination has helped to reduce mortality rate among children from 5 to nearly 80%. Mr. Danho Claude Paulin, Minister of Sports and Leisure and Mayor of the commune of Attécoubé also took the opportunity to thank Mrs. Dominique Ouattara for her many actions for his people. Miss Beda Fabiola Laura, 8 years old, and Children’s Spokesperson also thanked the Founder of Children Of Africa for her actions in support of children’s well-being. Note that this campaign gave the opportunity to Children of Africa’s doctors to raise awareness on diseases related to dirty hands.

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