Première dame de Côte d’Ivoire



La Première Dame et sa délégation chez la famille du ministre DARRET

The presidential couple successively extended its condolences, and supported, this Tuesday, March 4th, 2014, the Minister for Forestry, Mathieu Babaud Darret for the death of his wife, and to the Djibo family. "Mr. Minister, dear brother, we would like to offer you, the President of the Republic and myself, our most heartfelt condolences for the death of your late wife Lucienne. May God settle her in his Paradise. May her soul rest in eternal peace., "wrote Mrs. Dominique Ouattara in the book of condolences for the Darret family.

In addition, the presidential couple handed an envelope of CFA francs five (05) million to Darret family.

Brahima Coulibaly, spokesman of the presidential delegation stated that the presidential couple could not be indifferent with regard to the age-old ties of affection and brotherhood that bind the Darret and Ouattara families. These gestures were most welcome by the Darret family. Indeed, on behalf of the members of the Aké, Guédé, Darret families and allies, and the association of ministers’ wives, as well as in his own name, the Ivorian Minister for Forestry replies as follows: “I am moved, deeply moved, because the aftermath my wife died, the first call I received while I was leaving the morgue in Paris is the call of the President of the Republic, I cried”.

Then she (Mrs. Dominique Ouattara ed) sent a delegation (…) nothing but these acts just for me, it's a total comfort. I can only say thank you, my sister, Madam the President, "he said. Before going to the minister Mathieu Babaud Darret, the presidential delegation headed by Mrs. Dominique Ouattara visited the Djibo family, located in Cocody Mermoz to offer the presidential couple condolences. "We the President of the Republic and myself, have learned with great sadness the passing of our dear brother and friend Professor William Djibo. All our condolences to the Djibo family and their allies. May his soul rest in peace, "said First Lady Mrs. Dominique Ouattara. 

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