Children Of Africa announces a gala dinner for the renovation of its children’s shelter

The Children Of Africa Foundation organizes its 8th gala dinner around the theme: “Africa is the future” on Friday, April 3, 2020 at the Sofitel Abidjan Hotel Ivoire.

The information was given during a press conference hosted by Nadine Sangaré, Country Director of the Children Of Africa Foundation and the organizing team on Monday, February 24, 2020 at the headquarters of the Foundation.

Lifting the veil on the purpose of this 8th edition of the gala dinner, Mrs. Nadine Sangaré revealed that the funds to be raised during this dinner will allow the reconstruction and extension of la Case des Enfants, the first Children Of Africa’s child care center built since 1998.  The cost of this project is 2.5 billion F CFA. However, according to Mrs. Sangaré, the evening will raise a total of 4 billion CFA francs.  This amount will not only finance the reconstruction of la Case des Enfants but also, to carry out other humanitarian projects.

Talking about the theme of the 8th edition, Mrs. Nadine Sangaré said that the gala dinner aims to reposition Africa  at the heart of humanity and as a continent of all hopes. “We have chosen this theme in honor of all the children of Africa, those for whom the Children Of Africa Foundation has been working for more than 20 years to ensure a better future,” she said.

Also, according to Mrs. Nadine Sangaré la Case des Enfants has helped to take care of more than a thousand children in distress, offering them all the necessary care in a warm home provided by qualified staff supported by nuns. The children are enrolled in school and take part in socio-cultural and sports activities. “Several former residents of the shelter who are now adults, are successfully integrated into society and have a fully developed life. We can therefore safely say that la Case des Enfants is a haven of peace and happiness for children in distress,” said Mrs. Sangaré.

Taking advantage of this forum, the Country Director of Children Of Africa presented the activities of the Foundation since its inception in 1998.  Thus in the health sector, the Children Of Africa Foundation has built the Mother-Child Hospital of Bingerville, organized vaccination campaigns against meningitis and typhoid fever that have enabled to take care of more than 84,000 children with.  The ophthalmological caravan has helped more than 80,000 children. The foundation has also equipped maternity wards and health centres have ben. In the education sector, the Foundation has built a high school in Kong, where more than 255,164 children have been introduced to reading and computing free of charge thanks to the 9 mobile libraries that criss-cross all the areas of Abidjan and the countryside. We can also mention the distribution of thousands of school kits to underprivileged children throughout the country at the beginning of each school year. In the social sector, the Foundation has initiated the construction of three (03) centres. The first in Soubré, the second in Bouaké and the last one under completion in Ferkessédougou. The organization of Christmas trees at the Presidential Palace for more than 3,500 children and the distribution of 15,000 toys throughout the country each year. And finally the grant given to 15 NGOs in 12 African countries including Côte d’Ivoire.

Mr. Adou Benié, architect, presented the new project of the Children Of Africa Foundation.  He explained that this project aims to increase the capacity of the Children’s Home.  The new project will be designed on a total area of 6,807 m2 for a built area of 1,635 m2.  The construction work will take 12 to 14 months.

Mr. Fabrice Sawegnon, Chairman and CEO of the Voodoo Group presented the main points of the gala dinner.   He indicated that this theme aims to reposition Africa at the heart of development in the world.  He also indicated that a total of 900 participants from Africa and other continents are expected to attend the event.

It should be noted that la Case des Enfants, the first reception centre of the Children Of Africa Foundation, was created in 1998. It is intended for orphans, abused children and children living on the street.

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