Children’s Festival

Children of Africa Foundation and the Embassy of the People's Republic of China offered a feast to 200 children from all over the District of Abidjan and 06 NGOs and associations on Tuesday 06 September 2016. The ceremony was sponsored by Mrs. Dominique Ouattara in the presence of Mr. Tang Weibin, Ambassador of the People's Republic of China.
For the occasion, the toddlers were treated to games in the company of clowns, Bouldegums, bouncy castles and make-up sessions. In addition, they were pleased to discover a sample of Chinese culture through the provision of dancing lion and a Kung Fu Wushu demonstration. The musical score was masterfully performed by the female group "Bella Mondo". As a bonus, the Foundation of Mrs. Dominique Ouattara and the Chinese Embassy have provided school kits and sports equipment to all children.