Première dame de Côte d’Ivoire


Christmas Mass

La Première Dame, Dominique Ouattara a prié en compagne de la grande chancelière, Henriette Dagri Diabaté et de l'épouse du Premier Ministre, Clarice Duncan
First Lady Dominique Ouattara prayed in companion with of the Great Chancellor Henriette Dagri Diabaté and the Prime Minister's wife, Clarice Duncan 
Like the Catholic Christians around the world, the First Lady Dominique Ouattara has celebrated the birth of Christ the Savior, Wednesday, on December 24, 2014, at the “Sainte Famille Church of Riviera II.. To this end, the wife of the head of state Alassane Ouattara was accompanied by the Minister of Solidarity, Family, Women and Children, Anne Desirée Ouloto; the Minister of Health and the fight against AIDS, Raymonde Coffie Goudou; the Minister of Environment and Sanitation, Allah Kouadio Rémi. After the Christmas Mass, Mrs. Dominique Ouattara has not only given her impressions, but she also delivered her message to the Ivorian on the occasion of Christmas. "Every time we come to  Sainte Famille of the Riviera II, it’s always very cheerful and friendly. I was very pleased to participate in this Mass. I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Holidays in peace and happiness, "said the First Lady Dominique Ouattara. 
Father Norbert Abékan had the honor to give the homily during the Mass. Stressing the importance and significance of the celebration of Christ's birth through the Christmas party, the man of God invited the Ivorians to peace and unity in fraternity. For him, Christmas means the relationship between men through God among us, "Emmanuel." Also, at the eve of New Year, Father Norbert Abekan urged Ivorians to silence rancor, and unite for an emerging Côte d'Ivoire. 
The First Lady Dominique Ouattara donated CFA francs three (3) million cash for the construction of the celling of the Marian grotto of the Church. In addition, she has awarded the sum of 300,000 CFA francs to the choir of the Church for its brilliant performance in the Mass. In return, the faithful of the Church through the priests offered a beautiful picture of Christ and a statue of Pope John Paul II.


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