Death of Mrs. Gustave Brou

The Brou family was struck by misfortune last July 20, following the passing away of Madame Suzanne, born Brou Gustave Aissétou Gueye.
Affected by this loss, and longtime friend of the deceased, the First Lady Dominique Ouattara was keen to lend her support to the bereaved family. Thus she went, Thursday, August 4, 2016 at the residence of the Brou family in “Marcory Residentiel”, to offer condolences to the members of the family.
On this occasion, Mrs. Dominique Ouattara was accompanied by her closest collaborators.
Among the members of the Brou family were also present ministers Amon Tanoh Lambert, Ezan Akélé, Emille Constant Bombet and Real Aka Anghui.
The honor went to Mr. Yapi Florant, Chief of Protocol of the First Lady to give the news of the visit of the wife of the Head of State to the stricken family by bereavement. He argued that Mrs. Dominique Ouattara held to provide support to the bereaved family because of the long friendship between the Presidential couple and the Brou.
Mr. Claude Ekponon, spokesman of the Brou family thanked the Presidential couple for this surge of solidarity.
Let’s note that the First Lady wished to be active in the organization of the funeral of Lady Brou. To do this, she offered an envelope to the family of the deceased to deal with emergencies of the funeral.