Fight Against Child Labor

Le CNS a renforcé  la capacité opérationnelle d'une unité de la police criminelle
After a long period of awareness raising, the National Oversight Committee for Actions Against Exploitation, Trafficking and Child Labor (CNS) has decided to take direct action. Thus, after the success of the police operation in Soubré area, the CNS has strengthened the operational capacities of the the Criminal Police Branch in charge of trafficking and youth crime.
This structure offered on Thursday, February 27th, 2014 at the Office of the First Lady in Cocody, a 4×4 double cabine vehicle and a large and significant computer and office equipment to the Sub-Directorate of the National Police. These are 3 executive offices, 3 executive chairs, 6 visitor management chairs; 10 agents offices, 10 agents chairs, 20 visitors chairs, 2 splits, 3 splits, 10 desktop computers, 10 printers, 1fax, 1 copier with 1 base, 50 cartons, 100 archives cartons, 30 workbooks, 1 paper shredders; 2 padex boards and 10 bins that have been offered to this special unit the police.
Moussa Dosso, Minister of State, Minister of Employment, Social Affairs and Vocational Training, also Chairman of the Inter-ministerial Committee represented the First Lady, Mrs. Dominique Ouattara, President of the CNS, during the ceremony.
From the outset, the Minister of State, Dosso Moussa located context of the ceremony. For him, this ceremony is part of one of the strategic pillars of the 2012-2014 National Action Plan namely prosecution and punishment of the perpetrators of child trafficking and exploitation. "As you know, the State of Côte d'Ivoire (…) to deal with the phenomenon of the worst forms of child labor, has adopted, in March 2012, 2012-2014 National Action Plan in the fight against trafficking, exploitation and child labor. ( … ) The present ceremony is part of the implementation of this strategic action plan. The objectives through this axis are, firstly, to identify child victims of trafficking and exploitation, to withdraw them in order to ensure their adequate care by social and other services, to challenge, stop, bring, prosecute and convict the perpetrators of these crimes, "said Moussa Dosso. According to him, this assignment cannot be effectively led without well equipped intervention structures and, equipped and well trained actors.
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