First Lady Dominique Ouattara to Coffee And Cocoa Producers:

De nombreuses personnalités ont effectué le déplacement à San-Pedro pour soutenir la croisade de la Premiére Dame contre le travail des enfants

It’s a day very busy day for First Lady, Mrs. Dominique Ouattara, also chairman of the National Oversight Committee (CNS ) for Actions Against Exploitation, Trafficking and Child Labor. After the training workshop for media and communication professionals on the worst forms of child labor, the CNS in collaboration with the Cocoa Board organized on Saturday, May 17th, 2014 in San Pedro, a meeting of exchange and awareness with coffee and cocoa producers in Côte d'Ivoire. In addition, Mrs. Dominique Ouattara took the opportunity to meet the women of San Pedro and visit a field – school of the cooperative of Gabiadji.

It’s by the field of Rotari club of “la cité balnéaire” Mrs. Dominique Ouattara started her voyage. On this occasion, 1,000 cocoa and coffee producers have responded to Mrs. Dominique Ouattara’s appeal. This meeting was for the First Lady the occasion to discuss and raise the farming world awareness on the worst forms of child labor issue. In addition, a panel organized at this meeting allowed producers to make the key concepts related to human trafficking and child labor their own. As usual, it's hands full of gifts that the First Lady made the trip to the Bas Sassandra. So she offered farmers agricultural equipment worth76.5 million F CFA. The donation consists of 2,000 bags of 50 kg of fertilizer; 2000 liters of insecticides; 16,000 fungicide bags; 525 sprayers; 250 pairs; 500 dust masks  1,500 machetes ; 1,500 files and 1,500 boots. In addition, she offered CFA francs 2 million to traditional and religious leaders.

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