Première dame de Côte d’Ivoire


Humanitarian Action in Issia

In preparation for the state visit in the Haut-Sassandra Region, Mrs. Dominique Ouattara, the First Lady offered, in-kind donations worth 120 million CFA francs to the population of the Department of Issia, notably to Women, on Saturday, September 26, 2015, at the “Place de la Paix”. 
Thus, the First Lady Dominique Ouattara equipped with materials, women who work in agriculture, catering, commerce, social, hairdressing, and sewing. Mrs. Dominique Ouattara also thought to kindergartens, primary schools, secondary, high schools, and disabled persons of the Department of Issia. In the health field, the wife of the Head of State has donated medical equipment including a (01) brand new ambulance to the General Hospital of the Department of Issia.
En plus de ces dons, Mme Nadine Sangaré, représentante de la Première Dame, par ailleurs Directrice de l’Action Humanitaire au Cabinet de Mme Dominique Ouattara a souligné, que dans le cadre du Fonds d’Appui aux Femmes de Côte d’Ivoire (FAFCI), la Première Dame vient de mettre, une enveloppe additionnelle de 70 millions de francs CFA à la disposition des femmes du Département de Issia, pour le financement de leurs activités génératrices de revenus durables.  Au total, la Première Dame a financé, les micro-projets des femmes du Département de Issia à hauteur de 100 millions de francs CFA.
In addition to these gifts, Nadine Sangaré, representative of the First Lady, also Director of the Humanitarian Action in Mrs. Dominique Ouattara Cabinet stressed that under the Support Fund for the Women of Côte d'Ivoire (FAFCI), the First Lady has given an additional budget of 70 million CFA francs available for women of the Department of Issia, to finance their sustainable income generating activities. In total, the First Lady has funded micro-projects of the Department of Women Issia raising to 100 million CFA francs.
The Director of Humanitarian Action of the Office of the First Lady has finally reiterated the support of the wife of the Head of State to the population. "(…) Dear Sisters and Brothers of the Department of Issia, remain confident, your sister (Mrs. Dominique Ouattara, ed) will always be with you," assured Ms. Nadine Sangaré.
Golly Assoaga, Secretary General of the Prefecture of the Department of Issia has "reiterated the most supported thanks to the entire Department to Madam First Lady, to the life-saving action she has taken up to date."


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