International Women’s Day

La Première Dame, Mme Dominique Ouattara a fait des dons aux populations de Grand-Bassam

Women of Côte d'Ivoire got together, on Saturday, March 8th, 2014 on Boulevard Treich Lapleine in the historic town of Grand-Bassam for the celebration of the 2014 edition of the International Women's Day. Arriving from all corners the country and all sectors of activity, the Ivorian held to mark the day with a white stone with a central theme this year: "Women at work to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the emergence in Côte d'Ivoire."To this end, the First Lady, Mrs. Dominique Ouattara, also patron of the ceremony made no exception for the event. The first Ivorian lady made the trip to Grand-Bassam hands full of donations.
She offered in-kind and cash donations worth Francs CFA 56 million for the people of the seaside town. Specifically, she provided in-kind donations valued at Francs CFA 50 million to women’s associations, school canteens and to the orphanage of the early childhood protection center to the maternity and disabled women of the first political capital of the country.
Thus, 300 Perspex chairs; 300 flour storage containers, 200 basins, and many other gifts have been offered to women's groups. 05 foot electric sewing machines 02 freezers of 380 liter capacity and 5 cookers of 02 burners have been offered to Women’s Training. 150 bags of 50 kg of rice, 150 boxes of food paste, 50 cartoons of oil and 24 garbage bins were donated to school canteens and the city’s orphanage. The maternity hospitals in the city received 500 baby care products, 200 incentive kits for antenatal care, 50 baskets, 10 hospital beds and many other materials to enhance their technical platform. Kindergartens Grand Bassam received 5 slides; 5 swings; 300 child chairs and 50 ponies. Women living with disabilities have received 10 mobility cycles. In addition, Mrs. Dominique
Ouattara offered CFA Francs 6 million for the populations of Grand -Bassam.

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