Launch of the SOSTECI:

Dominique Ouattara urged the players involved in the fight against child labor to work in close collaboration

The fight against child labor has recently reached a new plateau. Indeed, First Lady, Mrs. Dominique Ouattara presided on Tuesday, June 25th, 2013 in the Plateau district, the business centre in Abidjan, the launching ceremony of the Child Labor Monitoring System in Côte d'Ivoire (CLMS). Also, taking advantage of this forum, Mrs. Dominique Ouattara, President of the National Monitoring Committee of Actions Against Trafficking, Exploitation and Child Labor called the different actors involved in the fight against child labor in a frank cooperation to eradicate the phenomenon. "(…) I ask all the basic social structures in the community of civil society players, NGOs, agricultural cooperatives of coffee and cocoa, cocoa professionals, as well as all public bodies in charge of the fight against child labor, to apply this essential tool, namely warning, prevention and remediation. It is through our concerted action and our close collaboration that the phenomenon will disappear for the well-being of our children, "revealed the First Lady. To the President of the National Oversight Committee (CNS), the mobilization around the launch of the SOSTECI bodes for better tomorrow for the eradication of child labor in the country. "The collective effort of the day, around this new instrument of our work, is for me a real source of joy. This is proof that the fight against the worst forms of child labor is engaged on all fronts in our country and the remediation processes are truly engaged, "she said.

The State Minister Moussa Dosso also Chairman of the Interminsterial Committee for fight against trafficking, exploitation and child labor, highlighted the importance of CLMS. According to him, this new tool in the fight against the worst forms of child labor will enable the Government and the various actors involved in the fight to have a reliable and robust data on the phenomenon. For him, this precondition will certainly allow these players to guide accordingly the activities. He concluded by inviting participants to redouble efforts for remediation of the phenomenon.

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