Launching of the 3rd edition of Merck Africa Luminary

The 3rd colloquium of the German pharmaceutical company Merck entitled "Merck Africa Luminary" is held from Tuesday 18 to Wednesday 19, October 2016 on the banks of the Ebrié lagoon. The opening ceremony of this international symposium, which gathered more than 350 health professionals, policy makers and researchers from 25 African countries in Abidjan, took place this Tuesday, October 18, 2016, at the CRRAE-UMOA complex in Plateau, in the presence of Ladies Dominique Ouattara, First Lady of Côte d'Ivoire and Brigitte Touadera, First Lady of the Republic of Central Africa.
It is the first time since the launch of this project that it has been taking place in an African country The objective of this colloquium is to contribute to the social and economic development of Africa on the one hand, by strengthening the capacities of health workers and hospitals and on the other hand, by promoting quality and innovative health care. In a nutshell, this project aims to improve the quality and access of people to health care services, especially in the treatment of diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer and infertility.
Guest of honor for this opening ceremony, Mrs Dominique Ouattara, First Lady of Côte d'Ivoire expressed her support for this initiative. "I remain convinced that this initiative will help improve the healthcare capacity of our hospitals and facilitate people's access to existing and future solutions," said First Lady Dominique Ouattara. Recalling her commitment to the well-being of women, the wife of the Head of State, spoke of her commitment in the fields of the creation in Côte d'Ivoire of the Women's Support Fund (FAFCI) and the care for Mother-Child couple in the creating the Mother-Child Hospital of Bingerville. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the First Lady Dominique Ouattara brought her to support the campaign: "Merck More Than a Mother", a program that aims to restore hope to many women victims of infertility.