Louis-Guillaume Folquet has passed away

We can definitely say that the Folquet family celebrated the festive season in sadness. Indeed, the former president of the Supreme Court and father-in-law to the nephew of the President of the Republic, Louis-Guillaume Folquet passed away on Monday, December 25, 2017 in his 86.
The First Lady, Dominique Ouattara paid a visit to the family on Thursday, January 4, 2018, to show her sympathy and support in this difficult moments.
The First Lady was accompanied by Maurice Kouakou Bandama, Minister of Culture and Francophonie, Siandou Fofana, Minister of Tourism, Abinan K. Pascal, Minister of Administration and several other officials.
The Minister Maurice Kouakou Bandama, Minister of Culture and Francophonie, also, spokesman for the delegation of the First Lady recalled the close ties existing between the Presidential couple's family and the Folquet’s family. Indeed, he pointed out that as an employee of AICI, Mrs. Krystelle Folquet is a collaborator of the First Lady and the wife of Mr. Amadou Toure, son of Mrs. Rockya Ouattara, younger sister of the Head of State. For this reason, the Presidential couple is also affected by the loss that the Folquet family is experiencing now..
Also, in order to take an active part in the organization of these funerals, the First Lady offered the sum of 5 million CFA francs to the family.