Miss Mathematical Contest
The First Lady Dominique Ouattara received in audience Professor Saliou Touré, the First mathematician of Côte d’Ivoire, member of the Academy of Sciences, Arts and Culture of Côte d’Ivoire (ASCAD), President of the Mathematics Society of Côte d’Ivoire, and current President of the International University of Grand-Bassam, this Thursday, June 30, 2016 at her office in Cocody.
Professor Saliou Touré was accompanied at the meeting by Mr. Hilaire Atindehou, President of the Miss Mathematics Commission.
This hearing was intended, for the initiator of the Miss Mathematics Contest, to thank the First Lady for her support to the Mathematical Society of Côte d'Ivoire and particularly the aforementioned contest. Furthermore, Professor Touré held to present the results of the 2014 and 2015 editions, to the Godmother of the event.
Le Professeur Saliou Touré était accompagné lors de cette rencontre par M. Hilaire Atindehou, Président de la Commission Miss Mathématique.
Il a tenu également, à informer Madame Dominique Ouattara de la nouvelle dénomination du concours adopté depuis Février 2015. Ainsi, le traditionnel concours Miss Mathématique a été rebaptisé : « concours Miss Mathématique doté du prix Dominique Ouattara ».
En retour, Madame Dominique Ouattara a félicité ses invités pour l’excellent travail abattu, et les a assurés de son soutien.
Notons que les lauréates des éditions combinées de 2014 et 2015 recevront dans les prochains jours leurs récompenses, à l’occasion d’une cérémonie officielle.
He also wished to inform Mrs. Dominique Ouattara of the new name of the competition adopted since February 2015. Thus, the traditional Miss Mathematics contest was renamed "the Miss Mathematics with Dominique Ouattara Awards."
In return, Mrs. Dominique Ouattara has welcomed the guests for the great work taken, and assured them of her support.
Let’s note that the winners of the combined editions of 2014 and 2015 will receive in the coming days their awards during an official ceremony.