Première dame de Côte d’Ivoire


Mrs. Dominique Ouattara during the FAFCI checks delivery ceremony in Treichville

First Lady Mrs. Dominique Ouattara gave the FAFCI checks worth 300,000 CFA F 2,500 women of the District of Abidjan

First Lady Mrs. Dominique Ouattara put an end, on Friday, February 21st, 2014 at the Palais de la Culture of Treichville at the FAFCI checks delivery ceremony to the women of the District of Abidjan, to the rampanr rumors spreading over two weeks on the health state of President Alassane Ouattara. Taking advantage of this forum, Mrs. Dominique Ouattara gave reassuring news on the health of her husband. "President Alassane Ouattara is doing well. As you know, he is recovering from an operation he underwent there two weeks ago due to sciatica he suffered from. Today, he can walk again without pain, but doctors have required a rest period. And he asked me to tell you that he will return soon home, "revealed Mrs. Dominique Ouattara, before thanking her countrymen for their prayers and blessings.

During the ceremony, 2,500 women of the District of Abidjan received funding for their micro-projects amounting to CFA Francs 300 million. In addition, the First Lady offered donations worth CFA Francs 50 million women of the commune of Treichville. Food and non-food, equipment and working materials for women's organizations, materials and equipment for maternity, the protection centers for early childhood and female educational institutions and training bikes for Treichville women with disabilities. In addition, the Ivorian Mother Teresa gave CFA Francs 6,700,000 to Treichville populations.

Mrs. Dominique Ouattara took this opportunity to translate all the confidence the Head of State places in women. That’s the reason why, according to her, President Alassane Ouattara has supported the creation of the Support Fund for Côte d'Ivoire Women (FAFCI). On the evaluation of the micro-projects financing program, the wife of Ivorian President expressed her satisfaction.

 According to her, from F CFA one billion, the FAFCI increased to Francs CFA 2 billion. At the national level, with F CFA 2 billion, according to Mrs. Ouattara, 20,000 women per year, who benefit from the program throughout Côte d'Ivoire including 6,500 women in Abidjan. "Today, CFA Francs 300 million have, will allow 2,500 women of the District of Abidjan to carry out their projects," she said.

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