Mrs. Dominique Ouattara inaugurated a kindergarten completely rehabilitated and equipped by Children of Africa, her foundation.

Mme Dominique Ouattara a inauguré un jardin d'enfants portant son nom à Zouhan-Hounien

Dominique Ouattara, President and foundress of Children of Africa inaugurated on Friday, May 3rd, 2013, on the sidelines of the visit of President Alassane Ouattara, an early childhood care center in Zouhan-Hounien. This kindergarten, renamed in the name of the President of the Children of Africa Foundation, Mrs. Dominique Ouattara, 81 children attending. It was destroyed in the war this part of the country suffered.

Concerned about young children welfare, Mrs. Dominique Ouattara wished to provide an ideal framework, conducive to socializing for Zouhan-Hounien children. To do so, Children of Africa Foundation has rehabilitated and fully equipped the center for the happiness of the children of this locality. It’s thus a brand new kindergarten Mrs. Dominique Ouattara offered to the children and people of this locality. Despite this gift, Mrs. Dominique Ouattara is not make the trip to Zouhan-Hounien, empty-handed. Indeed, she offered 2.5 million CFA francs for children, the center’s staff and the women present at the ceremony.

Taking this opportunity, Dominique Ouattara expressed her joy, and above all, her gratitude to the responsible of the center for giving her name to the kindergarten. Especially for she pays the utmost importance to all aspects of childhood in a way or another.

After the opening ceremony, people offered a lovely painting and loin clothes to the First Lady.

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