On the sidelines of Christmas service: The First Lady, Mrs Dominique Ouattara, offers substantial food and non-food items to the people of Assinie

This Tuesday, December 24, 2024, the First Lady, Mrs Dominique Ouattara, made her heart speak well before the celebration of Christmas service at the Parish of Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus in Assinie. In a gesture of generosity and solidarity, the First Lady offered food and non-food items worth a total of 65 million F CFA.
These donations include food, materials and equipment to strengthen their income-generating activities, and sports equipment. In addition, a vehicle was donated to the church to facilitate its pastoral activities.
As part of her policy to promote women’s economic empowerment, the First Lady recalled that the commune of Assinie had initially benefited from an envelope of 245 million F CFA. It also received an additional 50 million F CFA. In all, a total of 75 million F CFA has been made available to the local women under the FAFCI program. Mrs Yao Patricia Sylvie revealed that a total of over 3 billion F CFA had been made available to the women of the Sud-Comoe region. This action by the First Lady is part of a global approach to solidarity and support for vulnerable populations, particularly during this festive period when the spirit of sharing and benevolence is at the heart of the celebrations. This was the message delivered to the people of Assinie by Mrs Yao Patricia Sylvie, Chief of Staff to the First Lady. She emphasized the close ties between the wife of the Head of State and the people of Assinie. She also recalled all the First Lady’s actions on behalf of the people, such as her mediation with the President of the Republic for the renovation of the Parish after being destroyed by a tornado.
Mrs Trazié Lucie Gérardine, Prefect of the Department of Adiake, thanked the First Lady for her generosity. She maintained that the Christmas service is now a tradition in Assinie. The local population eagerly awaits this annual event.
Pierre René Magne, Mayor of Assinie, thanked the First Lady for her many actions on behalf of Assinie.
Nanan Tanoh, spokesman for the chiefdom and the people, also thanked the First Lady for her gifts.