Promoting Book and Reading

On Thursday 26 May 2016, Mrs Dominique Ouattara, President of Children Of Africa Foundation granted an audience to the French editor Michel Lafon, Chief Executive Officer of Michel Lafon Editions at her Riviera Golf Residence. The famous French editor is in Abidjan to take part to the 8th Edition of the International Book Fair in Abidjan (SILA), which officially started on Wednesday 25 May 2016 at Bernard Dadié's Palais de la Culture of Treichville. During the meeting, the topic of the discussion was about 'children's access to books'. With the view to support Mrs Dominique Ouattara's Foundation in its mission, Michel Lafon's Editions decided to offer books to equip the bookmobiles and the libraries of Children Of Africa's Mother-Child Hospital of Bingerville. This is a considerable support knowing that one of the Foundation's areas of action is the education of little children. 'We are touched by what Mrs Dominique Ouattara's Foundation is doing. We have developed an Education collection in collaboration with the UNESCO in which two (2) little characters called Bouba and Zaza develop important values for their children. The collection discusses about illiteracy, AIDS, earth and water. In nutshell, all the values that one can provide children aged 4-8 with. This collection has thirteen (13) different titles today. 'We would like to offer to Mrs Dominique Ouattara, both her Foundation and bookmobiles and the Mother-Child Hospital, books to equip her libraries', said Michel Lafon after his meeting with Mrs Dominique Ouattara. After their discussion, Michel Lafon offered to Madame Dominique Ouattara a collection of the edition entitled: 'Bouba and Zaza'.
It is in 1980 that Michel Lafon set up his publishing house. He has a rich and unusual background. He was successively the responsible in charge of the media and television producer. Michel Lafon Editions are an independent French publishing house which publishes about 150 books per years in a very diverse areas namely French and foreign literature, beautiful books and text-books.