Protection of the Rights of People Living with HIV/AIDS

A high level mission of the HIV/AIDS Committee of the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights are currently in Côte d’Ivoire since 23 May 2016. At the request of Mrs Badjo paulette Ezouehu, Minister of Human Rights and Civil Liberties, the members of this committee were granted an audience by the First Lady, Dominique Ouattara, who is also the UNAIDS Special Ambassador. The audience took place on Tuesday 24 May 2016 in her Office of Cocody. The seven-member delegation was led by the Honourable Commissioner Soyata Maïga, Deputy President of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights and President of HIV/AIDS Committee. Mrs Dominique Ouattara was accompanied by her close collaborators namely Mrs Yao Patricia Sylvie, Director of the Office, Mrs Nadine Sangaré, Côte d’Ivoire Director of Children Of Africa Foundation, Coulibaly Brahima, Director of Communication, as well as Dr Son Jérôme, responsible for Health Matters in the Office of the First Lady.
The members of the African Commission would like to share the experience of the First Lady within the framework of AIDS Mother-Child Transmission. A struggle which is in line with the objective of their mission, which mainly focusses on the protection of the Rights of people living with HIV and the protection of those at risk, vulnerable and affected by this disease.