Refunding the Mother – Child Couple
This is a decisive step Children of Africa Foundation has just taken. Indeed, the humanitarian foundation of Mrs. Dominique Ouattara has finalized, on Thursday, March 17th, 2016 at its headquarters in Cocody, the signature of two (02) Partnerships on equipment in medical imaging or radiology and equipments related to the operating department, anaesthesia and intensive care, sterilization, neonatology and to the ENT of the Mother-Child Hospital of Bingerville. The overall cost of these equipment contracts is 3,415,009,751 FCFA FCFA that is 1,744,760,346 FCFA for equipment in medical imaging or radiology and 1,670,249,405 FCFA for the other five (05) sets. Both tenders were won respectively by General Electric and Intermedic. For the session of signing the partnership contracts, the delegation of General Electric was led by Ms. Terri Bresenham, CEO Healthcare for Africa, Asia and India; while that of Intermedic was led by Mr. Michel Farah, CEO of Intermedic International.
Speaking, Mrs. Dominique Ouattara reminded the importance of the project Mother-Child of the Hospital of Bingerville. She laid emphasis on the human and social character of the project, but also the importance of the cost of equipment in medical imaging and the five (05) quoted above . "Having won such a tender, it commits you to provide after-sales service of quality, appropriate to the needs of our patients and measure up to our expectations in order to ensure continuously the quality of care. It is important to highlight that the Mother-Child Hospital will be a display window on francophone Africa, due to the state of art devices that will be installed "Mrs. Dominique Ouattara asserted, President of the Foundation Children of Africa .