RegionalHospital of Adzopé

Alima Karidja Konaté, in her early thirties, puts up with a disability since birth. Alima was born with both legs amputated at the shin. In medical jargon, Alima is a congenital amputee which means she was born without legs. An uncommon disability that strikes a life of its demeaning seal. The frail Alima, like millions of young girls her age aspires to life. She wants to live standing. And this hope is given to her by Children of Africa Foundation in collaboration with the Centre de Réadaptation Physique “Vivre debout” (Physical Rehabilitation Centre), on Saturday, May 9th, 2015 at the opening ceremony of the pediatric unit of the General Hospital and donations to disabled in Adzopé. The excitement was at its height when little Alima, thanks to the prosthetics offered by the Foundation, stood up and took a few steps. An emotion that could not fail to touch the generous donor Mrs. Dominique Ouattara. The tremolo in the voice, the President of the Children of Africa Foundation did not hide his feelings about this miracle. "I was happy to see the miracle that can make dentures and I have tears in my eyes. It is a true miracle of God. And he should be thanked. (…) I know some of you are living in difficult conditions and it touches me particularly. I brought you tricycles; crutches; and wheelchairs, which will help you gain more autonomy and facilitate your social integration, "revealed Mrs. Dominique Ouattara. This ceremony has helped restore hope to 280 disabled women. These women have graciously received prostheses. In addition 150 women, on the other hand received tricycles; crutches; and wheelchairs. They are so in total 430 women with disabilities who benefited donations of Mrs. Dominique Ouattara.