Première dame de Côte d’Ivoire


State visit in the Agneby-Tiassa

Une vue des dons de la Première Dame
The short state visit of President Alassane Ouattara in the departments of Tiassalé, Taabo and Sikensi, on Thursday, April 16, 2015 was full of emotion. As evidence at the meeting of the President of the Republic on the stadium of Tiassalé, the populations could not help expressing their delight at the immense goodness and donations from the First Lady. Indeed, the First Lady has been given a real "standing ovation" to thank her for her generosity. And that for good reason: since the beginning of the rotating state visits organized by the Head of State in the country, it is the first time such a valuable gift is offered to the population. This means that the lady of the Ivorian charity bears in her heart the people of these communities. Thus, Mrs. Dominique Ouattara has offered donations worth a total of CFA francs 400 million. As usual, the wife of the head of state has forgotten no area of lif in the Agnéby Tiassa. For cooperatives and women's groups of the three (3) departments, she offered 3 tractors, 16 rice shellers, corn and maize and cassava flour grinders; 16 motorcycles; 200 cassava pressers; 400 sprayers; 500 wheelbarrows; 1,000 sprinklers; 1,000 pairs of boots; 3,000 machetes and 3,000 limes. The restorers, hairdressers and seamstresses have also received many kits that will enable them to strengthen their income generating activities.
The youth received 8 shelter tarps; 8 motorcycles, jerseys and many other gifts. In the social and educational field including women's centers as well as primary and secondary schools, the First Lady has offered many gifts. Nursery schools, early childhood care centers and school canteens have not been marginalized. In the area of health, the department of Sikensi, Taabo and Tiassalé received 3 ambulances; 30 hospital beds; 30 mattresses; 30 birth tables; 30 baby cribs; 10 refrigerators and other items to enhance the technical equipment of the region's health facilities. Mrs. Dominique Ouattara has not forgotten the disabled in the region who received 20 manual tricycles.
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