Première dame de Côte d’Ivoire


The First Lady commends collaboration between the different players

De gauche àdoite. Mme Yao Patricia Sylvie, Directeur de cabinet de la Premièr

Mrs. Dominique Ouattara during a meeting between the players involved in the fight against child labor:

"Our goal to reduce trafficking and the worst forms of child labor by 2014 is achievable"

Full credit. First Lady Dominique Ouattara, also President of the National Oversight for actions against trafficking, exploitation and child labor commended, on Tuesday, March 26th, 2013, during a meeting in her office in Cocody, the frank collaboration during the previous year between the different players involved in the fight against child labor. A collaboration that has allowed significant progress in the fight against the worst forms of child labor.

Thus, since the beginning, it is the first time the different partners involved in the fight against child labor gathered to consider 2013 action matrix. Exchanges took place around three agendas. Thus, the participants not only examined the matrix of 2013 activities of the National Oversight Committee and the Inter-ministerial Committee, but also informed the partners on the meeting of the Thematic Group on Child Labour in the framework of the platform of Public-Private Partnership in the  Cocoa-Coffee industry and the meeting of the coordination group of actions against child labor in cocoa-growing  from 12th  to 13th March 2013 in Washington, DC.  



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