Première dame de Côte d’Ivoire


The First Lady made donations worth 20 million FCFA to Bafing’s women

La Première Dame a offert des dons d'une valeur de 20 millions de Francs CFA

The lanterns extinguished on the celebrations of the International Day of Women, on Thursday, March 21st, 2013 in Touba. For this year, the festivities took place over a month, during which, issues of gender in general, women in rural areas, were at the center of concerns. This being so, from February 21st to March 21st 2013, workshops, conferences, meetings, have filled this commemoration whose central theme was: "Men and women together for a new and reconciled Côte d’Ivoire”. The closing ceremony was highlighted by a great celebration. Throughout a whole day, women from all social grades have made an appointment in the Bafing around their godmother, Mrs. Dominique Ouattara, for the apotheosis of this commemoration. Unfortunately prevented by time limitations, the First Lady was represented by Mrs Patricia Yao Sylvie, her Chief of Staff. Activist in the struggle for the improvement of the living conditions of vulnerable people in general and women in particular, Mrs. Dominique Ouattara, has not sent her assistant with empty hands to Touba. In fact, Mrs. Dominique Ouattara gave donations worth twenty million (20,000,000 F CFA) francs CFA for the women of this locality. She offered 200 wheelbarrows, 400 wheelbarrows, and 50 soil pulverizers to several women cooperatives. In order to encourage women to go to the antanatal care, she offered 100 incitement kits to prenatal care, 10 gynecological examination tables and 25 Moses baskets to Touba’s maternity. Training centers have also not been forgotten. Indeed, the First Lady offered 10 sewing machines, electric, 1 desktop + window 7, a HP printer, 4 cartons of reams, various kits of office supplies, lots of materials, styling and sewing products.


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