Première dame de Côte d’Ivoire


The First Lady of Lebanon and Mrs. Dominique Ouattara fill the toddlers with joy

Une Photo de famille avec les touts-petits

A ray of happiness and love has lit up the dreary life of the toddlers of Bingerville and Grand-Bassam’s orphanages. Indeed, the First Lady, Mrs. Dominique Ouattara and Mrs. Wafa Sleiman, First Lady of Lebanon visited, on Friday, March 15, 2013, the orphanage of Bingerville. Two great ladies with big hearts who placed the welfare of the weak and defenseless at the heart of their actions. Moreover, they have well shown it again, visiting the children of these two orphanages, hands literally loaded with gifts.  An attention children and the people of the former capital of the country did not hesitate to praise, and who have reserved for this purpose, a very warm welcome to Mrs. Dominique Ouattara and her guest. Thus, from the entrance of the city to the orphanage, the two First Ladies were treated to a guard of honor made up of schoolchildren, high scholl students and anonymous. A recognition manifested through well-orchestrated ballet by the residents of the two orphanages for the delight of their guests.

Thus, to the children of the orphanage of Bingerville and Grand Bassam, the First Ladies have offered food, non-food, products, maintenance and hygiene equipment, cooking and laundry facilities, sports equipment, clothes for children, 100 mattresses, 100 chairs, 10 hair clippers, 1 TV set, kits of library books and kits of games for children.
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