The Presidential couple is mourning Patriarch Konan Koffi Antoine

Patriarch Konan Koffi Antoine, a retired textile engineer, died on January 5, 2022 in Abidjan and will be buried on Thursday, January 13.  In that respect, the First Lady, Mrs. Dominique Ouattara, at the head of a strong delegation, went on Monday, January 10, to the deceased home located at Deux Plateaux –Sideci to express her condolences.

On behalf of the presidential couple, the Minister of State, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Kobenan Kouassi Adjoumani, expressed his solidarity and sympathy with the bereaved family. The spokesman also noted the excellent relations between Mrs. KONAN Aya Esther, the deceased’s daughter and wife of architect KOFFI Abouah Guillaume, with the First Lady. Then, a contribution of the President of the Republic and his wife, was given to the family for the funeral arrangements.

On behalf of the deceased’s family, Mr. Konan Sévérin, expressed their gratitude and thanks to the presidential couple. The family said they were honored and comforted by the presence of the First Lady and her delegation.

“We have come to present our deepest condolences to the Konan Koffi family for the death of the late Patriarch.

May his soul rest in eternal Peace” wrote Mrs. Dominique Ouattara in the condolences book.

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