Third edition of tribute to the women of MENET

Le Ministre Paul Akoto Yao rend hommage à Dominique Ouattara
I have just been called to this microphone. I will then let my heart speak by asking your indulgence and your tolerance for what will seem incongruous. In our job, there is what is called the declamatory rhetoric. And it begins with a prologue speech. General De Gaulle said, speaking of Marshal Petain, that old age was a wreck. And Don Diego (Monologue Don Diego in the Cid of Corneille, Editor's note) also said, O rage! O despair! O inimical old age! Have I then lived so long only for this disgrace? "You have just shown us, we the elders that old age is not a wreck or an enemy. On the contrary, as the Gospel says, by growing older, we improve ourselves; one grows keeping the same sap and greenness. Thtat’s a grace. So I will say oh thanks! O Glory! O old age friend!
Have we not lived enough for this ultimate and sublime recognition of the nation that is usually done postmortem. I’m on behalf of all you moved. Victor Hugo said that emotions have no words. But I will try to overcome the emotion of the day to talk to you. I’ll speak first to the First Lady. What do I say to the great Lady. Madam, we know. You are great and it's not a flattering praise. This is no longer of my age. And I do not see for what price I will. You are a great lady because you are a lady with heart. Everybody knows it. One becomes in life than what he is. We who know you for a long time ago, we see that you’ve become what you are. And you have a husband who has an extraordinary opportunity because in life, there are women who are evil genius, as was the case for Messalina and Agrippina or Emperor Ponte. But you are what can be called such a muse that was to Aspasia Pericles. You are an egeria because you have the hand on the heart. And then I said last time, Felix Houphouet-Boigny taught us that what matters in life is not to be rich, but it's a good name. And good reputation is based on humility. You are a humble woman. Thank you for that. Thank you for being who you are. Thank you for what you do. And stay who you are.


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