Visit to the Royal Court of the Indénié
Above all, she wanted to go and present her respects to the King of Indénié. Arrived the day before in Abengourrou, First Lady Dominique Ouattara went, on Friday, January 16, 2015 at the Royal Court of the Indénié to abide by the customs of the region. On this occasion, the populations of Indénié-Djuablin gathered around Kings Nanan Boua Kouassi III, King of Indénié and Nanan Agnini Bilé II King of the Djuablin expressed their attachment to the wife of the Head of State. Beyond the symbolism of this visit, they wanted to make Mrs. Dominique Ouattara’s visit in Abengourou, the capital of the Indénié-Djuablin, a historic day. To do so, the kings of Indénié and High Djuablin have raised the First Lady to the rank of Queen Mother of the region.
For girls and son of Indénié-Djuablin, she bears now the name of Tanoh Amah. The Queen Mother who contributed to the creation of the Kingdom of the Indénié. To turn this desire into reality, the notability of the Indénié offered the royal attributes that legitimize this baptism. In addition, the populations of this region have offered many gifts to the wife of the Head of State. Thus, they offered the royal seats, tables and many other gifts to their host. In return, the new Queen Mother of the region, also presented gifts to her sisters and brothers. She namely offered F CFA 4 million francs to the populations and worthies of the Indénié and Djuablin. Indeed, she offered F CFA two (2) million to the worthies of the Indénié, F CFA (1) million CFA francs to worthies of the Djuablin and 500,000 FCFA for Indénié women.
Nanan Kouamé Kouadio II Zouhoulou chief and spokesman of the king of the Indénié translated the population’s thanks to his special guest. He also took this opportunity to wish all the best for the new year to the Head of State. Long before, the First Lady met in private with the kings of the Indénié and Djuablin.
After this visit, the First Lady visited the Centre for Maternal and Infant Protection (PMI) of Abengourou.