The ten (10) best students of the country who benefited from an educational stay graciously offered by Mrs Dominique Ouattara, President of Children of Africa Foundation are back. They were welcomed, this Saturday, August 11, 2018, at the Felix Houphouet-Boigny International Airport by their parent and a team of Children Of Africa.

The holidaymakers were accompanied by Professor Nys Alain, Founder of the Cité Club Universitaire Association (CCU) and Florence Nys, his wife and administrator of the association.

On their arrival, Professor Nys Alain congratulated the children for their brilliant stay at the Mediterranean Center of French Studies in Cap d’Ail. ” I wish to express my admiration to these children you have raised so well. The supervisers did not want them to leave. It was a touching moment. This year the center received 140 children, about 28 nationalities. Now the children  have contacts with French, Americans, Russians, Italians and Spanish. And what would be nice is that they keep in touch with one another. “, said Professor Nys.

Borro Adama, Spokesperson for holidaymakers, talked about the new activities they had the chance to discover in Cap d’Ail, such as  swimming, bowling, mountaineering and language learning… He ended by thanking the First Lady for this opportunity.

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