
dominique-ouattara-presentation-de-voeux.jpg New year wishes to Mrs Dominique Ouattara 31 January 2019 Uncategorized
inauguration-du-bureau-sous-regional-de-hec-paris-a-abidjan.jpg Inauguration of HEC Paris subregional office in Abidjan 22 November 2018 Uncategorized
dominique-ouattara-mairie-evora-portugal.jpg Evora town hall Portugal 10 October 2018

Speech by the first lady of côte d’ivoire Evora town hall portugal

dominique-ouattara-journee-ivoirienne-du-festival-evora-africa.jpg Opening ceremony of the ivorian day festival Evora Africa 29 July 2018

Seech by the first lady of côte d’ivoire official opening ceremony of the ivorian day

The Embassy of the United States of America offers 1,500 books for the equipment of the Bibliobus 3 July 2018

The United States Embassy in Côte d’Ivoire donated 1,500 books to the Children of Africa Foundation on Wednesday, May 02, 2018. The donation ceremony in books took place after Elizabeth Mc Namara’s reading session at the American Center at the Riviera

Children of Africa, Uncategorized
dominique-ouattara-visite-sinitres.jpg Flood victims in Attecoube 26 June 2018

speech assistance to flood victims in attecoube

dominique-ouattara-9-eme-edition-du-prix-cnp-d-excellence-34.jpg National press council award to promote excellence 16 May 2018

Speech by the first lady National press council award to promote excellence

domnique-ouattara-abidjan-ville-lumiere-2017-22.jpg Firework displays in Abidjan 9 January 2018 Uncategorized
dominique-ouattara-lancement-de-la-3-eme-edition-merck-africa-luminary-18.jpg The opening of merck africa luminary colloquium 28 November 2016 Uncategorized
dominique-ouattara-le-lancement-de-cliniques-mobiles-16.jpg The mobile clinic 12 October 2016 Uncategorized
dominique-ouattara-ceremonie-de-bapteme-de-la-70-eme-des-eleves-de-l-empt-35.jpg Graduation promotion of the military school and of awards 2 August 2016 Uncategorized
dominique-ouattara-lancement-festival-du-rire-abidjan.jpg My speech at the gondwana festival (laugther festival) 17 February 2016 Uncategorized
abidjan-ville-lumiere.jpg The illumination ceremony of Abidjan city of lights 17 February 2016 Uncategorized
dominique-ouattara-presentation-de-voeux-de-nouvel-andes-femmes-leaders-37.jpg The presentation of the new year wishes to the first lady 17 February 2016 Uncategorized
dominique-ouattara-hommage-aux-femmes-rhdp-treichville-56.jpg Meeting with women in treichville 22 October 2015 Uncategorized
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