Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am very happy to meet you again this evening to enjoy this beautiful event “Abidjan City of Light”, organized by the District of Abidjan, which marks the celebration of the new year.
First of all I would like to extend my sincere and warm greetings to each of the eminent personalities who have done us the kindness of being with us this evening.
I also greet our traditional and religious leaders who are with us and surround us with their blessings.
Finally, I greet all the people of Plateau who have come out in great numbers for this occasion.
I am delighted to spend this pleasant moment in their company.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
For eleven years now, we celebrate the new year by bringing joy and happiness to the people through the magnificent illuminations that sparkle on the main streets of our beautiful city of Abidjan.
This event has become over time, an appointment much awaited by all Ivorians. Indeed, thanks to the illuminations, the new year celebration takes all its meaning in the hearts and minds of young and old people as well. I hope that this year again, each family will live unforgettable moments with their loved ones.
To this end, I would like to thank and congratulate Minister Governor Robert Beugré Mambé who does a good job in organizing this beautiful event.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The illumination ceremony of the city of Abidjan is certainly a festive event that underlines with brilliance, the magic of the new year celebrations. But it is also and above all, another opportunity to express our solidarity with those who need it the most.
This is why this year’s theme is set as “Maintaining solidarity and unity in Côte d’Ivoire”. Much more than a simple symbol, this theme encourages the search for a true solidarity and a strong social cohesion between the different communities that have always lived peacefully together .
And it is in this same spirit of sharing, that we have decided to donate food items to vulnerable families throughout the district of Abidjan, to enable them to spend a pleasant holiday season. My thoughts go particularly to the children. I wish them to spend a beautiful Christmas with their families.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
On December 31, we will proceed to the display of fireworks, with the theme set as “The magic behind wishes”. This show will mark the transition to the new year in a very nice way, which I hope will be peaceful and fruitful for everyone.
My wish is that each of you enjoy these wonderful moments, and let all these lights continue to sparkle in our hearts throughout the year 2023.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
In a few moments, our lovely city of Abidjan will put on its most beautiful finery of lights and display a radiant image to the world.
Before this magical moment, I would like to wish you, on behalf of my dear husband President Alassane OUATTARA and myself, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Thank you.