

My speech on the Miss Mathematics 2014 event

I am very pleased to be here today at Lycée Ste Marie of Cocody with you for the award ceremony of the Miss Mathematics.
My Dear Daughters
First and foremost, I would like to tell you that my dear husband, your dad, President Alassane Ouattara, asked me to kiss you very much and congratulate you warmly.
Make sure that I too look forward to seeing you, and I must say that your enthusiasm warms my heart. Thank you all for your warm welcome.
I would now like to extend my warmest congratulations to Madam Minister Kandia Camara. Her presence at the head of the Ministry of National Education is the key to success that is confirmed year after year by the significant improvement of the results at the end of school year. Congratulations Dear Kandia for your dynamism.
My greetings go to our Dean, Professor Saliou Touré, for his tireless efforts in the promotion of mathematics in our country. I would ask you to applaud him loudly.
Ladies and gentlemen,
My presence at the Lycée Sainte Marie of Cocody, is an opportunity for me to acknowledge the high quality of education provided in this prestigious school for many years. For this, I congratulate Madam the headmaster, Florence LEKPELI and all teachers who instruct our dear students discipline and excellence.
I would also like to congratulate honorable members of the Mathematical Society of Côte d’Ivoire, for the promotion of mathematics with our girls through the Miss mathematics competitions.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Teachers,
It is with real satisfaction and pride that I adhere to the conquest of math by our girls.
Indeed, this competition strengthens their love for discipline and enhances in them the taste for effort and transcendence, cardinal values to achieving great works.
Our winners are therefore promised to brilliant fates, in a context where the skills of women are recognized and taken into account in our country.
I would like to invite our winners of the day to follow this path of excellence and deepen their knowledge in mathematics.
The ceremony of today pays tribute to this day and it is the whole nation that recognizes their merit.
Mes chères filleules,
By continuing on this path, they will be able to achieve more important laurels and I am convinced, will be able to positively change the course of the history of our country.
My Dear Godchildren,
Congratulations for your performance in a sometimes feared subject by some of our girls. I am proud of you and I’m sure you will constitute a model for the younger generation.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I would like to ask you to applaud them loudly.
Avant de clore mon propos, je voudrais saluer le dévouement et l’abnégation de nos chers enseignants, ceux-là même qui sont les acteurs de la réussite de nos enfants.
Vive le concours Miss mathématiques et pleins succès à tous nos élèves.
Before concluding my remarks, I would like to acknowledge the dedication and sacrifice of our dear teachers, even those who are players of the success of our children.
Long live Miss mathematics Competition and every success to all our students.
Thank you.
Dominique Ouattara


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