

Meeting with women in treichville


My Dear Sisters,

I am very pleased to be here with you today, and thank you for your wonderful mobilization.
I would like first of all to acknowledge the presence of my husband, my darling, Côte d’Ivoire women’s candidate number one, President Alassane Ouattara, who is with us today. He is our champion, and I ask you to applaud him loudly.

I would also like to greet my elder sister, Madame Henriette Konan BEDIE, President of “Servir”, who came to share this great moment with us this morning. Thank you dear elder sister for your spontaneous commitment on our side and your significant presence during this election campaign.

I would also like to greet our beloved auntie, Madame Henriette Dagri DIABATE, as well as my brothers and sisters ministers and Ministers’ wives of Ministers. And all the personalities present today.

I would finally like to congratulate you, my sisters, for your important mobilization around our dear candidate.

My Dear Sisters,

Soon, you will have to go to the polls to elect the one who will lead our country for the next five years.
In 2010, you decided to choose candidate Alassane Ouattara, and he has not disappointed you, isn’t it?

So today, I ask you again: Who do you think is the best candidate in 2015, to lead our country? Who is the best advocate for women?

Yes my dear sisters, you’re right, it’s ADO. It’s ADO need to Côte d’Ivoire. The women’s candidate is Alassane Ouattara.

In four and a half years, ADO has changed the face of our country.

Thanks to the FAFCI, more than 100,000 women have rediscovered the joy of living and smile, thanks to the funding of their projects. Who could be better?

Thanks to compulsory education, and the millions of school kits distributed throughout Côte d’Ivoire, all of our children can go to school, regardless of their social condition. Who could do better?

Thanks to the rehabilitation and construction of hospitals and health centers, you can better treat yourselves. Who could do better?

Thanks to the targeted free of charge of health care program, you can deliver for free anywhere in the Ivory Coast. Who could do better?

Thanks to the “AGIR” program for young people, our children can carry out their projects with personalized financing. Who could do better?

Thanks to salary increase for civil servants and the minimum wage, all salaries have been reassessed. Who could do better?

Thanks to the one thousand francs paid per cocoa kilogram, our peasants are more prosperous. Who could do better?

My Dear Sisters,

Yes, all this was made possible thanks to ADO. And with ADO we can build to together the New Côte d’Ivoire.

So my Dear Sisters, I invite you to go and collect your voting cards and vote massively, with your families, friends and beloved ones for the reelection of President Alassane Ouattara. Because “What woman wants, God wants.”

I rely on you, on the evening of October 25, 2015, to get Ouattara elected “TAKOKELE”, I mean TAKOKELE… a KO, dear sisters.

Do you agree? Do you agree?

Thank you.

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