

The presentation of the new year wishes to the first lady


My Dear Sisters,

I am very happy to see you at the beginning of 2016, and I would like to express the joy you are providing me by your visit today.

I would like first of all to sincerely thank each of you for your presence and for your affection to me.

My special thanks, go to:

– Madam the Grand Chancellor Henriette DAGRY-DIABATE;

– Madam the First Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly, Sara SACKO;

– Madam the First Vice-President of the Supreme Court, Chantal CAMARA;

– Madam the Wife of the Prime Minister, Clarisse DUNCAN;

– Women Ministers and Wives of Ministers;

-Women Ambassadors and Wives of Ambassadors;

– And to all those present today.

I’m delighted to welcome you all.

My Dear Sisters,

As every year, on the New Year occasion, you wished to come and present your wishes in person, and I am very touched.

This greeting presentation ceremony takes a particularly pleasant character since 2016 began in joy and tranquility which are the essential basis for lasting peace. And my greatest wish is that peace remains in the heart of all Ivorians throughout the year 2016.

In my turn, I would like to extend to you all my best wishes of happiness and joy for the New Year, and to you and your families.

I would also like to convey the best wishes of my dear husband, President Alassane OUATTARA, who asked me to greet you warmly.

My Dear Sisters,

I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate each of you for the outstanding work you do for the advancement of Côte d’Ivoire.

Indeed, each of you plays a vital role in the development of the nation, whether as President of Institution, or in the Government; as an elected or to the United Nations; as CEO, General Manager, Corporate Chief Officer, Professor, opinion leader or President of NGOs. You give the best of yourself in each of the actions you take, for the reputation of our beautiful country, and I encourage you to continue on this path.

Be certain that I am proud of you, and you have my full support and encouragement.

Furthermore, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome our sisters newly appointed Ministers and wish them every success in their new positions.

– Mrs. YAO Euphrasie, who is now our Minister for the Promotion of Women, Family and Child Protection, a field dear to my heart,

– Mrs. Ramata BAKAYOKO Ly,

– Mrs. Mariatou KONE,

– And finally Madame Paulette Badjo EZOUEHU.

They join our sisters who are already with us since several years and who do an outstanding job.

– Mrs Kamissoko Kandia Camara,

– Mrs. KABA Niale,

– Mrs. Raymonde Goudou Coffie,

– Mrs. Anne Désirée OULOTTO,

– And finally Mrs. Affoussiata Bamba Lamine.

whom I ask you to applaud loudly.

My Dear Sisters,

I would finally like to address myself particularly to the Wives of Ministers, the Presidents of the Institutions, and Ambassadors. Dear sisters, you play a vital role alongside these men devoted to their nation, who are your husbands. You contribute to the success of their mission, and you encourage them to exercise their functions in the best way.

I would like to pay a tribute to you for your dedication and personal commitment. The merit of their success also goes back to you, and I want to congratulate you sincerely for it.

Dear sisters who are all gathered here, I embrace you affectionately and wish you again a Happy New Year 2016.

Thank you.

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