

Launching ceremony of school kits


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear Children!

I am happy to be with you today in this beautiful “Groupe Scolaire Chapelle” of Vridi City at the launching of Children of Africa Foundation’s school supply packs, for the start of 2016-2017 school year.

I would first like, first, to thank Mrs. Mayor, AKA Angui Hortense, who receives us in her town this morning.

Now I would like to greet Madam Minister of Education, Kandia CAMARA who is present with us. Thank you Dear Kandia for the exceptional work you carry out at the head of your department, and for all your efforts to give our children an excellent education.

I extend my warm greetings to the personalities accompanying me, namely Mrs. Sara SAKOH, First Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly; Ms. Clarisse DUNCAN, Spouse of the Prime Minister; and my sisters Ministers and Ministers’ Spouses, present at the ceremony.

My greetings also extend the Prefect of the Department of Abidjan, the administrative, political and religious authorities, as well as traditional leaders who have made the trip to be with us on this occasion.

I also greet donors and personalities who support us in this action in favor of our children.

Finally, it is a great joy for me to meet again my dear children whom I hope have had pleasant vacations. I am also glad for the presence of their parents, who came many to book us a warm welcome.

Thank you for this display of affection for us.

Today we are gathered in this school, to provide as at the beginning of each school year, our assistance to families for the schooling of their children.

One year after the adoption of the law on compulsory education in Côte d’Ivoire for children 6 to 16 years, desired by my dear husband, President Alassane OUATTARA,

Education is more than ever a priority of Children of Africa Foundation’s action.

Indeed, in this area, the Foundation has undertaken to renovate and equip many schools across the country.

In addition, school libraries and multimedia classrooms have been made available to children, to give them free access to computers and reading.

In the same vein, the eight mobile libraries of the Foundation, equipped with 30,000 books for all ages, crisscross all the remote areas of Côte d’Ivoire, to give the love of reading to our children.

At the end of the school year we organize an educational trip of three weeks in France, for the best students of the country. This initiative aims to reward our girls and boys for their good results, and encourage them to cultivate excellence throughout their studies.

Regarding school supply packs, each year we have distributed tens of thousands of them, to help our children continue their education in good conditions.

For the 2016-2017 school year, there are 12,000 school supply packs to be offered to our children across the country. These kits are composed of 12, 000 school uniforms, 12,000 backpacks and 12,000 complete supplies.

Elsewhere, some schools and kindergartens will be equipped with educational and sports equipment, educational games and outdoor games, as well as food and non-food supply for their school canteens.

In total, Children of Africa Foundation offers 200,000 million CFA francs in donations for this school year. I hope that this action will benefit the education of our children, and promote their academic mentoring in good conditions.

My Dear Children,

All these gifts are for you, because as a mom, your well-being at school remains my priority. I want to see you grow up in the best conditions, in order to be able to choose your future. School kits and games that we offer you today, will help you achieve it.

Dear Parents,

It is evident that for you and for us, the academic success of our children comes before any other thing.

We must therefore give them all our love and follow them, to help them move forward.

I wish for that, to reaffirm the commitment of Children of Africa Foundation, to continue working for the good education of our children.

Dear Teachers,

To help you in your activities, we brought you teaching materials and equipment for your office.

I would like to congratulate you especially for the work you do every day. The education of our children is a noble work you do every day with self-abnegation. I encourage you to persevere in this way, you have my full support.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I will end my remarks by thanking all our generous donors who annually support the Foundation in its various activities,

As well as all the members of Children of Africa Foundation who work tirelessly. Without them all this would not be possible.

I wish a very good school year for all our children.

Thank you.

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