

9th edition of children of africa


Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am very pleased to welcome you today at the headquarters of the Children of Africa Foundation, to launch the traditional soccer tournament of the Foundation, for the benefit the children of Côte d’Ivoire. I would like first of all to greet Mr. Albert François Amichia, Minister of Sports and Leisure; Mr. MEITE Sindou, Secretary to the National Capacity Building ; and Sir Gilbert Kafana KONE , President UVICOCI and Mayor of the City of Yopougon, who are attending with us this afternoon. I also want to commend the presence of all the Mayors here, from the towns and cities that will host the tournament. I extend my warm greetings to all the personalities who are with us this afternoon. Thank you for your presence, which marks your support for this sports initiative for our youth.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

As you probably know, the football tournament of Children of Africa Foundation, was initiated in 2008 in the commune of Abobo, so that our children can entertain themselves through sport during their school holidays. This event, particularly appreciated by our children was extended to fifty locations throughout Côte d’Ivoire, to their greatest happiness.

This event, especially appreciated by children was extended to fifty localities through Côte d’Ivoire, for their greater happiness. This year, we hope to make people happy in the different cities of the country who will participate in this competition. It must be noted that this tournament is organized free of charge for the benefit of our boys and our girls from 07 to 15 years from participating municipalities. Our wish is to develop in our children, team spirit, as well as some sports habits that stimulate the maintenance of their life balance. Ladies and Gentlemen,

As you know, football is the most cherished sports in our country, and it excites both players and spectators. It allows you to build a certain cohesion and gather communities in a friendly, sharing and cheerful spirit.

I wish this competition to be conducted in team spirit, discipline and fair play. Maybe that way, our children will become later, big international football stars. This tournament will start in the Next days, pour be completed before the next school year.

In each locality, at the end of the tournament, the winning team will receive the “Dominique Ouattara cup” and an envelope of 200,000 FCFA, as well as gifts for all finalists. I am pleased to give you all these kits today, and I hope that the party will be a great celebration, for the happiness of our children.

Finally I would like to thank all the personalities and structures that organize this competition in each of the fifty participating localities.

I trust I can rely on the dynamism and commitment of everyone, for this 9th Football Tournament of Children of Africa Foundation, to be again a huge success. I wish great vacations and a good tournament for all our children.

Thank you.

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