

Ceremony of the patrol vessel “EMERGENCE”

It is with great pleasure that I am, for the first time, on this beautiful site of the annex of the naval base in order to share with our sailors, moments full of friendliness and cheerfulness.
Thank you for all these special honors toward me. I would like to sincerely thank you for it.
My joy is all the greater in that day, that we have proceeded to the christening of the first patrol ship “EMERGENCE” of which I accepted with great pleasure, to be the Godmother.
It was reported to me that until recently, the Navy was poorly equipped to deal with all forms of threats that existed in the waters under national jurisdiction or on the high seas.
But, my dear husband, the President of the Republic, having taken the full measure of threats and dangers facing our country wished to retool the National Navy.
Also, like all Ivorians, I am delighted with the acquisition by our country, of the Patrol “EMERGENCE”.
Her presence reassures us in the sense that it increases the ability of our navy and thus makes it more efficient for peacekeeping.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I turn now to the crew of the patrol “EMERGENCE”.
With perseverance and dexterity, you brought this beautiful ship from Lorient to Abidjan, via Agadir and Dakar.
To accomplish this, you had to brave the turbulent waters, I congratulate you for that.
I invite you to continue to be exemplary sailors, concerned to keep in perfect working order this tool for your work and, to accomplish the missions entrusted to you with dedication.
You chose this beautiful and noble profession that you exercise with passion and loyalty and which sometimes takes you away from your families.
We are all proud of you and your courage.
I wish you full success in your missions and may God be with you.
Thank you.


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