Graduation promotion of the military school and of awards

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Students,
I am very happy to be with you this morning on the occasion of the baptismal ceremony of the EMPT Graduating promoting, and of awards to the best students of the institution.
I would first like to warmly welcome Mr. Alain Donwahi, Minister to the President of the Republic in charge of Defense, under the watch of the EMPT of Bingerville. Thank you Mr. Minister, to continue with conviction, the Excellency tradition of this prestigious institution of international fame, which welcomes children from several countries in the sub-region since many years.
My greetings extend also to Mrs. Saran SAKO, First Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly, as well as Mrs. Euphrasie YAO, Minister for the Promotion of Women, Family and Child Protection, who is present today. Also thank you to Mrs. Clarisse DUNCAN, Wife of the Prime Minister and all Ministers’ Wives who are with us this morning.
I also welcome, General Soumaila BAKAYOKO, Chief of Staff of the Republican Forces of Côte d’Ivoire, as well as all Generals and all military personalities present here.
I would finally extend my greetings to the Military Attachés from friendly countries participating in these festivities, as well as the political and administrative authorities, to our honored traditional leaders and all the personalities gathered for the occasion.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Since its creation, the EMPT of Bingerville is deemed to be an academic institution of excellence and also one of the pillars of sub-regional integration. Indeed over 762 students, 75 are from friendly and brother countries of Africa.
Initially reserved for boys, EMPT was opened to girls in September 2013. I welcome this decision of the President of the Republic, which helps promote the schooling of our daughters, and give the same chance of success all our children.
Today, I am pleased that this military training school already has 92 girls in its workforce.
This ceremony also gives us the opportunity to reward the best students of the institution of the 6th to Terminale. And it is with great pleasure that I have brought gifts for the 75 Excellence Award, to all my dear children, and grants to better equip school.
I also welcome, General Soumaila BAKAYOKO, Chief of Staff of the Republican Forces of Côte d’Ivoire, as well as all general and all military personalities present here.
I would finally greet the Ambassadors and Consuls of fraternal countries participating in these festivities, as well as all the personalities gathered for the occasion.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Since its inception, the EMPT Bingerville is deemed to be an academic institution of excellence and also one of the bases of sub-regional integration. Indeed over 762 students, 75 are from friends and brother countries of Africa.
Cette cérémonie nous donne également l’occasion de récompenser les meilleurs élèves de l’établissement de la 6ème à la Terminale. Et c’est avec grand plaisir que j’ai apporté des cadeaux pour les 75 prix d’Excellence, à tous mes chers enfants, ainsi que des dons pour mieux équiper l’école.
Initially reserved for boys, the EMPT has been opened to girls in September 2013. And I would like to welcome this decision of the President of the Republic, which helps promote the schooling of our daughters, and give the same chance of success to all our children.
Today, I am happy to see that this military training school already has 92 girls in its ranks.
This ceremony also gives us the opportunity to reward the best students of the institution from the 6th form to the Bachelor’s degree class. And it is with great pleasure that I have brought gifts for the 75 Excellence Awards, to all my dear children, and donations to better equip the school.
My Dear Godchildren,
You have chosen me as godmother of the ceremony, and this affection goes straight to my heart. Your efforts and your perseverance during these years of preparatory studies for the EMPT are now successful, and I am very happy for you.
It is no coincidence that your promotion is called “Labor”. This name reflects your commitment and determination for Excellence Research in your studies, because only the work pays off.
I am convinced that moral instruction, academic training and military discipline that you have received here will serve you throughout your life.
You make the pride of your families and of your countries. To this end, I would like to convey the congratulations of your dad, President Alassane Ouattara, who asked me to greet you warmly.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Godchildren,
Finally, I would like to congratulate Colonel Soro KODAN, Commander of this prestigious school and all the teachers and all those persons in charge of the supervision of our children.
Finally, I would like to reiterate my congratulations to each of the students in this graduating class. I welcome again the merit of our brilliant children of the Preparatory Military School of Bingerville.
I wish you all, full success for the rest of your studies, and happy holidays.
Thank you.