Inauguration of the Mother – Child Hospital Of Bingerville

Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am very pleased to welcome you to the Mother – Child Hospital of Bingerville, for this inauguration ceremony, expected by our fellow Citizen.
I would like, above all, to particularly thank my dear husband, President Alassane OUATTARA, for his encouragement, his support and his personal involvement as a great donor, during these five years of implementation of the hospital project.
My warmest thanks are due also to Mrs Lalla Malika ISSOUFOU, First Lady of the Republic of Niger and to my dear big sister, Mrs. Henriette Konan BEDIE, President of Servir Foundation, for being here today to support us.
I would also like to thank my dear friend, Princess Ira de FURSTENBERG, for attending this ceremony.
I would now like to extend my greetings to the Vice-President, Daniel Kablan DUNCAN, and to the Prime Minister, Amadou Gon COULIBALY. I take this opportunity to express them my thanks for their implication and their advice since we started this project.
Allow me to associate the Presidents of the institutions and the members of the Government for being here with us, particularly the Minister of Health and Public Hygiene, Raymonde GOUDOU COFFIE, and her collaborators for their assistance and participation to the achievement of this project.
I welcome all our prestigious guests and donors, as well as nationally and internationally renowned stars,
Who have also join us on this very special occasion for mothers and children in Africa.
May I also express my appreciation for the presence among us of Ambassadors and members of the diplomatic corps, as well as the prefectural body, mayors, members of parliament, and especially the Governor of the District of Abidjan and the Mayor of Bingerville for their significant support.
Finally, I would like to offer my greetings to all the officials and members of the medical body here with us, to our traditional and religious leaders ; and to our friends in the national and international media ; and to the people of Bingerville and the District of Abidjan who came out in large numbers to welcome us.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I remember with emotion, the laying of the foundation stone of the hospital in June 29, 2013, right here in Bingerville …
Five years later, great is my joy to see that what was then just a project, has become a beautiful hospital for our people. During the past five years, we have struggled to mobilize the human, material and financial resources needed to realize such a work. This goal has now been achieved.
We owe this achievement to all the people and the public and private structures involved in the execution of the project to make this dream come true.
To this end, I would like to thank la Chaîne de l’Espoir, here with us this morning. Thanks to their wise advice and the expertise of their volunteers, we have succeeded to build in our country a model institution for health care. A sincere thanks to Professor Alain DELOCHE and his collaborators.
I also express my profound gratitude to eminent personalities of the medical world such as :
Mr. Michel SIDIBE, Executive Director of UNAIDS and Professor Marc GENTILINI ; and to all the generous donors of the Children of Africa Foundation who contributed to the financing of the construction and equipment of the hospital.
I particularly wish to thank all the collaborators and the medical staff of the Mother-Child Hospital of Bingerville, starting with professors Sega SANGARE and Sylvia ANOMA, who gathered around them, specialists and professionals of mother – child healthcare to provide a better treatment to women and children in Côte d’Ivoire.
I would also like to congratulate, all the companies that have worked on the construction of the hospital, especially Mr. Pierre FAKHOURY and his collaborators : Jean-Luc, Clyde et Fabrice, who efficiently guided this project.
These people have been a primary reason that we have a good work. I am very appreciative to them for that.
My thanks also go to ANSUT, SUD CONSTRUCTION, TOVAMA, CEGELEC, VER-ALU-CI, AGENTIS, APCI, SIDAAL, COMAFRIC, PAUL, FLEURS ET COCCINELLES etc. ; to our equipment providers, GENERAL ELECTRIC and INTERMEDIC. I congratulate them all for their professionalism.
I would also like to take this opportunity, to solemnly congratulate, Mrs Sylvie Patricia YAO, First Vice – president of the Hospital and Doctor Jerôme SON, the hospital Project Manager, the Board of Directors and the entire management team, who worked very hard during these last months for the completion of our hospital.
I also thank Aya, Véronique and Marilaine, who volunteered to decorate the hospital for many weeks.
Thanks to our artists Kaidin Le Houelleur and Jems Koko Bi for their beautiful sculptures that adorn the hospital.
I will end by thanking the notability of the village of Adjamé-Bingerville, who generously donated this land for the construction of the hospital.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
In a few months, the children’s home that is being built right next to the hospital will be completed.
This shelter will be used to house the children who will be in treatment away from their homes. The shelter is offered by the Lalla SALMA Foundation of the Kingdom of Morocco.
To this end, I would like to express my sincere thanks to Princess Lalla SALMA, through her Ambassador here, for this generous contribution.
I would now like to speak to our dear people and tell them that the Mother-Child Hospital in Bingerville is theirs. It has been designed and built to provide quality care at a reasonable cost and accessible to all.
Moms and children will be cared for and will receive special attention regardless of their social status. Do not hesitate to come for treatment!
I would like to conclude by encouraging the hospital management team and the medical staff to take good care of the hospital. Indeed, I count on them to make this facility a model institution for healthcare in Africa.
Thank you.