My speech at the launching ceremony of theTRECC project

Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am delighted to be with you today on the occasion of the official launching ceremony of the “TRECC program”: Transforming Education in Cocoa Communities”, initiated by the Jacob’s Foundation.
I would first like to thank His Excellency Thomas Litscher, Swiss Ambassador to Côte d’Ivoire, for his invitation to this nice ceremony.
I would also like to commend the presence of the Prime Minister, Daniel Kablan Duncan and his wife, and that of our brothers and sisters Ministers and wives of Ministers at our side, as well as all personalities gathered tonight at the Swiss Embassy.
My greetings also go to the members of the Board of the Jacob’s Foundation that made the trip so far for the occasion, headed by Mr Christian JAC3OBS, Honorary Chairman and Mr. Sandro GIULIANI, Executive Director of the Foundation. I wish you and your delegation, the traditional Akwaba in Côte d’Ivoire.
Finally, I greet all our national and international partners, such as the Cocoa and Coffee Board, the World Cocoa Foundation, who worked on the implementation of this program to be effective in the new year. Their efforts are turning true, and thanks to that, many children will have access to quality education in the cocoa farming areas.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The event that brings us together today, makes me happy in a special way, since it touches on a subject dear personally to my heart; namely, the fight against child labor.
Indeed, as President of the National Oversight Committee for Actions Fight against Trafficking, Exploitation and Child Labor, I am pleased that our international partners support us in our struggle to eradicate the worst forms of child labor.
They immediately responded to the appeal I launched to them at the meeting held on May 20th, 2014, which invited all cocoa and chocolate industry to support our efforts in building schools in cocoa farming areas. Thus, from 2012 to 2015, there are a total of 70 primary schools and one college that were built by partners such as Nestle, Olam, Cargill, Mars, Barry Callebaut and the World Cocoa Foundation.
Today, Jacob’s Foundation has decided to launch the TRECC program to qualitatively transform the education of our children in cocoa growing areas. I thank them sincerely for it.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I’m still convinced that school is the most effective alternative in the fight against child labor. This is why compulsory education policy adopted by our country is the most appropriate response to combat the worst forms of child labor in a sustainable way.
Until recently, education could not be compulsory as there was a significant lack of school infrastructure.
Today, we have made a tremendous effort to build more schools and secondary schools throughout the Ivorian territory, thanks to state investment and partners committed on our side.
To achieve our goals, we must therefore continue to invest in school infrastructure, in order to have enough schools for all children.
However, the quality of education that will be provided to them should also remain at the center of our concerns, to ensure good skills.
Therefore, I fully support the TRECC program set up by Jacob’s Foundation, which will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the education of our youth in rural areas.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I would like to conclude by thanking again the Jacob’s Foundation for this great initiative.
I encourage all players in the cocoa and chocolate industry to continue to support us on the one hand in the construction of schools, and the other hand in the improvement of the quality of education provided. That’s the price at which will we offer a better future for all our children.
Thank you.