Presenting the FAFCI cheques and making donations

Dear sisters,
It’s my pleasure to be with you this morning for handing out the FAFCI checks to our sisters in Abobo and other neighbourhoods of Abidjan.
Before I begin, I wish to take this opportunity to convey to you the greetings of your brother, my dear and lovely husband, President Alassane Ouattara. He asked me to extend his warmest greetings to all of you.
Now, I would like to express my greetings to members of the government present here, more particularly to my godson, Mr Hamed BAKAYOKO, Minister of State, Minister of Defence for inviting me to celebrate the FAFCI initiative with the women in Abobo ! Let’s give him a round of applause.
I also extend my greetings to my dear sister, Ms Ly Ramata BAKAYOKO, Minister for Women, Family and Children.
My greetings go to my dear big sister, Honorable Amy TOUNKARA, to Ministers’ wives and members of my delegation here with us this morning.
I also wish to extend my greetings to the Governor of the District of Abidjan, to the Prefect of Abidjan and to the prefectoral body.
I acknowledge the presence of all the elected officials, namely, the parliamentarians, the Senators and Mayors of the District of Abidjan, and all the officials for being here as a way to support this initiative aiming at promoting women empowerment.
I do not forget our distinguished traditional chiefs and religious leaders for their blessings.
Finally, I express my greetings to my dear sisters from all the communes of Abidjan. Thank you for showing a keen interest in the FAFCI activities. Indeed, You came from Adjamé, Anyama, Attécoubé, Bingerville, Cocody, Koumassi, Marcory, Plateau, Port-Bouët, Songon, Treichville, Yopougon and Abobo to be part of this ceremony.
Your massive mobilization and warm welcome show your unflattering commitment to our initiative. Thank you !
My dear sisters,
As I told you when I started my speech, I have responded to the invitation of Minister Hamed BAKAYOKO, who asked me to pay a visit to the people of Abobo. In fact, We have already planned to increase the FAFCI fund for the entire District of Abidjan, but we did not know where to organize the event to announce it.
When I received a call from my godson, Minister Hamed BAKAYOKO, telling me my sisters from abobo are asking for my presence and my support as well, I decided to respond favourably to his invitation. I am very happy to be here.
Dear Hamed,
Thank you first of all for the kind words about me. Indeed, 23 years ago, I was your witness at the Town Hall when you married Yolande, and today we are here. I am proud of you and the man you have become.
I am very pleased to be among you today, I am also proud that you have decided to commit yourself to the wellbeing of your fellow sisters and brothers in Abobo. They deserve the best for their commune, and I am happy you are the one taking the lead to implement the plan of action in line with the president’s policy for this commune.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
My dear sisters,
As you know, the support Fund for Women of Côte d’Ivoire (FAFCI) was initiated in 2012 to promote women empowerment. This initiative was possible thanks to the support of the President of the Republic, who has always been very sentisitve to women’s situation in the country.
Last year we celebrated the 5th anniversary of the FAFCI on 29th september 2017 with our sisters from all over the country. We took this opportunity to assess the FAFCI initiative and express our gratitude to the President of the Republic for his continued confidence to us.
Indeed, the start up fund for the FAFCI was one billion FCFA, the fund is now endowed with a capital of 10 billion FCFA generously granted by the President of the Republic. The FAFCI has helped 150,000 women since its creation to date, for a total investment of 23 billion FCFA, obtained thanks to the revolving system and the reimbursements made by our sisters.
It is important to recall here that the FAFCI loans are granted without any guarantee or fees and at a preferential rate. The fund is open to all women in Côte d’Ivoire irrespective of their ethnicity or religion, because each of them represents an essential pillar of our society.
Every woman has a vital role to play in the development of our beautiful nation, and FAFCI was created to help as many of our sisters as possible to start an income-generating activity.
Today, we have come to grant an additional amount of 1 billion 500 million FCFA made available to our sisters of the District of Abidjan to be distributed as follows :
- 200 million for the women of Abobo
- 100 million for Adjamé
- 100 million for Anyama
- 100 million for Attécoubé
- 100 million for Bingerville
- 100 million for Cocody
- 100 million for Koumassi
- 100 million for Marcory
- 100 million for Plateau
- 100 million for Port-Bouët,
- 100 million for Songon,
- 100 million for Treichville,
- 200 million for Yopougon
This new amount of 200 million FCFA brings the FAFCI budget to a total of more than 700 million FCFA for the municipality of Abobo.
My dear sisters,
In addition, dear Sisters of Abobo, I have brought you various gifts that have just been listed, with a total value of 100 million FCFA. I know that it will be very useful to you, and you will make good use of it!!
My dear sisters,
Ladies and Gentlemen
At this stage of my remarks, I would like to thank all the microfinance partners for their contribution. Thanks to them we are able meet the strong demand related to the granting of the FAFCI money to the women of Côte d’Ivoire throughout the country.
I would also like to encourage my sisters to persevere in the field of work they have chosen in order to develop their businesses in the best possible way.
My dear sisters,
I believe that your new income-generating activities will help you support your families and become financially independent and fulfilling. As a woman I believe in your potential and your abilities.
I wish you all a good day.
Thank you.